The Checklist: 30 Story Ideas for Manufacturers

  1. A story about your company culture

  2. A story about your continuous improvement approach

  3. A story about your company’s humble beginnings 

  4. A story about your growth trajectory

  5. A story about people on the plant floor

  6. A story about how people support each other in your company

  7. A story about the way your shipping department gets orders out on time

  8. A story about your manufacturing company and the community

  9. A story about how you solved a customer problem

  10. A story about your vision

  11. A story about how you gain efficiencies through technology

  12. A story about sustainability and social responsibility

  13. A story about your core values and how you live them

  14. A Q&A story with a valued team member or expert

  15. A story about what you found interesting at an industry trade show

  16. A story about failure – and how you and your team overcame it

  17. A story about how you work with supply chain partners

  18. A story about the actions you take to protect the environment

  19. A story about a cause you believe in

  20. A story about recent school visits and fun facts about your particular industry

  21. A story about how to elevate quality within your industry

  22. A story about the best ways to innovate and ideate with customers

  23. A story about how you approach an industry-wide challenge

  24. A story about where your team finds inspiration

  25. A story about why manufacturing is a great field to work in

  26. A story about your apprenticeships and training principles

  27. A story about what the next frontier looks like in your industry

  28. A story about how you are creating a smart factory

  29. A story about your safety program

  30. A story about gratitude

Are you on the 50-yard line with your creative endeavor? Or ready to start sharing stories to seriously scale your midsize company? We’re your storytelling team.