Sliding Down the Rope Headfirst: A Must Try

“Without pushing your limits, without occasionally sliding down the rope headfirst, without daring greatly, you will never know what is truly possible in your life.”

Admiral William H. McRaven, Author, “Make Your Bed”

That’s a much more eloquent way of saying “You need to step out of your comfort zone,” a tired cliché that typically garners an eye roll.


I recently slid down the rope headfirst, and I’m still sliding. I’ve been doing Beach Body on Demand. There, I said it. But let’s keep this little fact between us friends. The truth is Michele got me to do this 30-minute exercise regimen that is absolute H-E-double-hockey-sticks torture.

I admire colleagues like Dean Petrulakis, who attack exercise like it’s a higher calling. My goal is to stop excusing my way out of a fitness routine. I am not looking to get the six-pack abs that I’ve never had, but I do want to strengthen muscles that would much rather atrophy than exercise. If I lose a few pounds in the process, it’s a win-win, but I keep my goals simple – focus on strength, the weight loss may follow.

This story is relevant because it’s easy to fall into a rut or routine. We often take the easy way out. Perhaps we’re afraid of learning new programs or apps that can help us at work, or our daily routine is predictable, or we sit in the same chair in a staff meeting (pre-pandemic).

As Admiral McRaven says, we occasionally have to slide down the rope headfirst. I’d welcome an opportunity to hear how you are sliding down the rope and what you’ve done to change your routine. (Near the end of our weekly family Zoom call, as our college kids are probably looking at their watches, I read an excerpt from “Make Your Bed.”)

So what has Beach Body on Demand done for me? I notice I’m not out of breath as much. My muscles are sore (I think that means they are waking up from their slumber). I have more energy (both mental and physical). I have lost a few pounds. And, I get to watch my beautiful wife exercise, although I’m mostly just trying to keep my balance and not keel over. (I’ve told the kids, if I pass, don’t put in my obituary that he died painfully doing Beach Body on Demand).

I plan on continuing this routine three days a week and bicycle 12-25 miles on the weekend. I’m curious to see how far down the rope I can slide.